Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON)

Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON) is a Fairfax County initiative that brings together residents, service providers, schools, and other supporters—in defined communities—in support of a shared vision to address needs and achieve equitable results for youth and their caregivers. Cornerstones serves as a backbone organization for ON, driving the initiative’s work in Reston (RestON) and Herndon (ON Herndon).
- Working closely with diverse community partners and stakeholders, our team helps advance systems-change at the local, regional, county, and state levels.
- Through strategic partnerships with community leaders and stakeholders, we encourage engagement and foster relationship-building opportunities that empower individuals and promote positive change in Reston, Herndon, and Fairfax County.
ON Neighborhood Ambassador Program
Equally important is the Neighborhood Ambassador Program. These are the residents who give their voices and lead the charge for change in their communities. Our ON Ambassadors help ensure neighborhood opinions and concerns are communicated to elected officials, decision-makers, and community partners, to help drive and create real opportunities for greater, equitable support in our community.
For more information, please contact us at:
Email: ON@cornerstonesva.org;
Phone: 571-323-9555 (ask for an Opportunity Neighborhood team member)
Click here to learn more about Fairfax County’s Opportunity Neighborhood initiative.